Elephant Foot or Arum Benefits: As the saying goes, “don’t eat it, you’ll catch it”. But it is just a proverb. There is no problem playing the OL the right way. Oats also contain several nutrients. These ingredients are particularly effective in preventing chronic diseases. On the other hand, it also increases immunity in winter. Let’s know about the many qualities of ol. Why eat more of these vegetables in winter?
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What are the qualities of Ol?
Helps in weight loss – Helps to lose weight quickly. Wool contains a lot of fiber. This fiber keeps the stomach full. As a result, the tendency to eat repeatedly decreases.
Beneficial for heart – Oats are very beneficial for the heart. Because it contains potassium mineral. This particular mineral plays an important role in controlling blood pressure.
Reduces stress – Oil is full of anti-stress ingredients. During winter, stress affects the body more. From which various problems including depression can arise. Also, stress can increase blood pressure, sugar. This helps reduce stress.
Anemia resistant – It helps in making hemoglobin in the blood. Because the amount of iron mineral in it is more than other minerals. People suffering from anemia problem can eat more of this vegetable.
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Extra wool is not good either
- Excess fat is also not good for the body. Because it can cause flatulence and indigestion. So eat this special vegetable in limited quantities.
- OL can be dangerous for pregnant or nursing mothers. In this case, a doctor should be consulted before eating.