‘And Miles to Go’ takes readers to Kolkata in 2011. In a city on the brink of change. The story takes place between 2011 and 2013 against the bright but volatile backdrop of Anand’s city. Here is the weave of lives of characters of different ages and socio-familial backgrounds, who are chasing and struggling to pursue their dreams. One of the main characters of the story Patkel is a brave boy from the slum. He is trying to rewrite his future by defying fate. Another character Hirak is a billionaire industrialist. Past events haunt him. He burns with the fire of revenge.
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Amidst all this, Anusuya is a hesitant housewife. He is now faced with a decision that will change his life forever. Another character Abraham has appeared in the story. He is a priest. Struggling hard to keep his promises. Standing in the background of the story is Shyamli, a beautiful mother, who says with determination, “I will kill him if necessary, but I will not let my son be taken from him.” Also the character to be mentioned is Surya, a victim of circumstances, struggling to survive in a harsh world. Meanwhile, their grandmother, in her white sari, gazes at the vast horizon, thinking, “So much has been done—yet so much remains to be done.”
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Throughout the novel, their lives come together in a fascinating story that revolves around money, power, love and revenge. Will they find a way out of their misery? Or will their struggle consume them? The answer to that question lies in this unique story of human resilience and desire. The tension in the novel is enough to keep the readers engaged.